Sunshine Home for Girls welcomes donation and commitment from Wishing Well Inc Foundation

Staff members of the Sunshine Home for Girls were on hand to receive a generous donation from the Wishing Well Inc. Foundation. Administrator Major Allwood and Housemother Miss Bailey earlier this week received ECD 2,500.- in the form of gift vouchers.
“The Home continues to struggle to meet its food expenses, which is our biggest expenditure. We are happy with this very timely donation, which comes at a time when the home is almost at its maximum capacity. Wishing Well Inc., The Epicurean and Jolly Beach Resort have stepped up to assist us and we are grateful for their commitment on so many levels.” – Major Claudette Allwood, Administrator Sunshine Home for Girls.
“We feel strongly about our involvement in the community and organizations like the Sunshine Home. This joint donation will not be a one-off venture. We intend to support the residents and management of the Home not only with donations, but also with other outreach programmes going forward.” – Mr. Gil Suarez, Store Manager Epicurean Jolly Harbour